Weight Loss Facts

1. Eliminating all junk foods like like snack foods, pizza, desserts, pasta, bread, and dairy products.
2. Exercise to increase lean muscle mass. Resistant training is highly recommended!!!
3. Have your thyroid checked if you're not losing fat. One in two Americans has an under active thyroid.
4. Not enough protein is consumed for breakfast. Protein regulates insulin levels, when you eat high sugar meals, your insulin levels become elevated, you store fat.
5. Cut out the butter, salad dressing, fried foods,cookies, candies.
6. Keep your sugars to minimum.
7.Eat your largest meal at breakfast, dinner should be light since you're sleeping; no energy is needed to sleep;-)
8. Eliminate or minimize your alcoholic drinks, because it only slows down the metabolism.
9. YOU must EAT at least 5 small meals everyday! If not your body goes into starvation mode, where it uses muscle for energy and leaving you fat.* Never skip a meal!
10. Visualize your success. Look into the future; see yourself stronger, leaner, looking and feeling years younger.


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